iPhone Golf Apps | Golf Betting Games | GolfMoolah®
by gman001

This is just what the Dr. ordered for my golf group...there is a serious void of reliable golf betting apps out there and this lives up to the hype hands down. The ease of use and functionality truly eliminates the hassle of all the math on the 19th hole leaving plenty of time for a couple pops before reality sets in. The golf course data base and choice of games make this a snap to use and even taught me a new game that I normally wouldn't even attempt. Two thumps up and well worth the price.
Eureka !!
by pebblelinks

I have been looking for an app like this for some time now....all other golf betting apps are mere shells compared to this goliath!! It has everything imaginable wrapped up in a nice bundle of easy to use golf gambling joy that my Friday group has really relied on...it keeps everyone honest and allows for an extra hour at the bar afterward. I made my download fee back after one round...well done fellas !!
by goodtunes_cd

The golfing gods have spoken! No data entry needed equals a hassle-free experience when setting up a new round on any golf course (database covers any course in the country!). I will need to switch the apps location on my iphone for fear of wearing out the screen. The app was paid for after one round. Two thumbs up!!