Nassau | Skins | The Snake | Wolf | Sixes | Las Vegas | Bingo, Bango, Bongo
Acey Deucey | Quota Points | Thirty-Two
Intimidated by wagers within your foursome or afraid of some sandbagger you don’t know swiping your hard-earned cash? It’s time to bet your buddiesor that weird singleon the first tee without hesitation. GolfMoolah will teach you every wagering game and calculate every wager for you, making sure it’s done according to your handicaps. No more wasting time with messy score cards and incorrect math. Get the complete wager breakdown, and e-mail the scorecard with sure-to-please bragging rights. This will put an end to the post-round cocktail debacle, and will allow you more time to swill while the wife or husband thinks you are still playinghaha.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or pro; the GolfMoolah application caters to everyone from the hooker, slicer, chili dipper, a case of the yips, broken chicken wings, or the person who thinks their game is ready for the tour (not likely)! Pick the game that best suits your situation, lay out the amount of action, and you are good to go. Our scorecard will keep track of everything hassle free, especially for those of you thinking your opposition might not be on the up and up. We can’t cure the foot wedge or the ever-so-sneaky hand toss out of the bunker, but we can simplify things for you to enjoy your day.
Format: Individual or Team Number of Players: 2, 3, 4, or more
This is one of the most universal games in golf, and it can be used for both individual and team matches. It breaks an eighteen-hole match into three matches: one for the front nine, one for the back nine, and then one for the overall score. A predetermined amount of money is agreed on before the match begins, so a $5 Nassau would mean a total of $15 is at stake in the match ($5 for the front, $5 for the back, $5 for the overall match, or any amount you desire).
During the golf match, a twist of the Nassau allowsfor the player(s) who is trailingto offer a new bet (normally for the same amount as one of the three others bets) for the hole or holes remaining on that nine. That player can say “I press”. For example, if someone is two down with three holes to play on the front nine, that player can call for a press for the remaining three holes. That means there is a new three-hole bet, but the other bet still remains. Occasionally, the player in the lead can refuse a press, so it’s good to clarify what form of Nassau you are playing. Another variation allows for an automatic press when the deficit in the frontor backnine match gets to a certain point, such as two down, by either player. Press bets can be pressed, so there can be several bets going on at the same time.
PickUp Sticks (Alias Bag Raid):
A match-play or Nassau game with a tweak: A player who wins a hole gets to remove a play competition where there are nine or more potential bets over the course club from the opponent’s golf bag (putter not included in this). Once the club is removed, it is dead for the rest of the round and can’t be used again.
Super Nassau:
Is a match-of the match. Every three holes, one bet concludes and a new one begins for a total of six three-hole bets. There also are three bigger bets in a traditional Nassau formatthe front nine, the back nine, and the overall eighteen holes. The three big bets should be worth at least three times the amount of the smaller bets. For example: $1 for the three-hole bets, and $3 for the nine-hole and eighteen-hole bets. Presses can be included in this format as well, so make sure you predetermine that.

Format: Group Number of Players: 3 or more
In Skins, each hole is worth one skin, and a dollar value is agreed upon prior to the first tee. For example: Each hole would be worth $2 per person. The player that wins the hole earns the skin. If there is a tie, the skin is carried over to the next hole, and every member of the group is eligible to win, except this time, it will be worth two skins. If the carryovers continue, which often happens, it’s not unusual for one hole to be worth multiple skins. You can also add variations to the game by awarding skins for things other than winning a hole. You can add “junk” for a predetermined amount to be awarded to players for “greenies” (landing your tee shot on the green closest to the flag on a par three), “sandies” (earning a sand save and making par), and “nasties” (chipping in for par or less).
If a skin or hole is tied, then the value is carried over to the next hole. For example, if each skin is worth $1, and the first hole is tied, then the second hole is worth $2. If the second is tied, then the third is worth $3, and so on.
Validation is something the pros use on carryovers to make sure your win wasn’t a fluke. If a player wins a hole, the skin is in-hand, and then must validate the skin by tying the lowest score on the next hole. If another player has the lowest score on the next hole, then they steal the skin and must validate. If a player wins the last hole, validation is not necessary.

The Snake
Format: Individual Number of Players: 2, 3, 4, or more
Snake is a great side-bet for all levels, and will provide some excitement and shaky hands when faced with a crucial putt. The “snake” is attached to the first player of the match who three-putts or worse. That player holds onto the snake and pays a per-hole fee until someone else three-putts or more and takes over possession of the snake. For example: If the snake is worth $5, and a player holds onto it for four holes, he owes each player $20, and so on until the snake is passed to another player. This is a great game to play with your buddies, and makes for an interesting round.

Format: Team and/or Individual Number of Players: 4
This game takes more than golf balls to play! Determine a set rotation before teeing off as players alternate being the “wolf” (two players will be the wolf five times in a foursome). Agree on a set price of what each hole will be worth per player. On each hole, the player designated as the wolf will choosebefore teeing offwho will be his partner for that hole, or he can chance it and decide to play wolf, in which he will take on the rest of the group by himself. If the wolf and his partner win the hole, the two players split the winnings. If a player decides to go wolf and wins the hole, they win the set amount per hole from each player. If a player goes wolf and loses the hole, they must pay the other three players.

Format: Team Number of Players: 4
This is a great game, because you get the chance to be paired up with everyone in your foursome. It’s a best-ball match between two teams of two players, but you change partners after every six holes. There are three different matches played within one eighteen-hole round of golf. Everyone chips in a determined amount per person for each match, no matter who your partner is. The low score of that particular match takes the loot for those particular six holes.

Las Vegas
Format: Team Number of Players: 4
If you want to switch it up from the norm, give Las Vegas a shot. At the completion of each hole, a team’s score is derived by making the lower number of the two scores the first digit of your team’s total score. For example: If you post a three, and your partner gets a five, your team’s score is thirty-five. All the same, if someone birdies (or eagles) a hole, the other team must reverse the numbers in their score. Using above as an example, your team would be hit with a fifty-three rather than a thirty-five, because one of your opponents scored a birdie. The team with the lowest score at the end of the round wins. You can increase the action by playing for $1, $2, or more per point. If you do this, the winning team gets the differential between the two scores at the end of the round.

Bingo, Bango, Bongo
Format: Individual Number of Players: 2, 3, or 4
The key to this game is that you must play it in the correct order, according to proper golf rules, or it will not work. Three points are available on each hole, and a predetermined amount for each point must be agreed upon prior to teeing off on the first tee: one for the first player to reach the green (bingo), another one for the player closest to the pin once all the balls are on the green (bango), and one for the first player to hole out (bongo). This game is great for all skill levels, since the best score isn’t always going to win. Something noteworthy: Short hitters or “Nancy”s have an advantage sometimes, because they will have “honors” when everyone is on the fairway, and that puts them in prime position to win the “bingo” point.

Acey Deucey
Format: Individual Number of players: 4
In Acey Deucey, it’s necessary to use handicaps, since a better player could easily monopolize the game. On each hole, the low score (the “Ace”) wins an agreed-upon amount from the other three players, and the high score (the “Deuce”) loses a determined amount to the other players in the group. The Ace bet in most cases is worth twice the Deuce bet. Use caution, as even a low-action game could get costly for the losers, and like winning the lottery for the winners. Ties for either the Ace or the Deuce eliminate any money-changing hands on that hole. If you like, your foursome could decide to play the game with carryovers (only if you are not taking heart medication, and are under doctor’s supervisionhaha).

Quota Points
Format: Team or Group Number of Players: 4 or more
Fantastic game to play on an outing, trip with the boys, or just multiple groups, with each player or team anteing a set amount into the pot. Prior to the match, each player subtracts their handicap from thirty-six. That number becomes the player’s “quota”. For example: If your handicap is a ten, then your quota would be a twenty-six. Consequently, you are then awarded one point for a bogey, two points for a par, four points for a birdie, and eight points for an eagle (for a twist, you can penalize players a point if they post more than a bogey). The idea here is to get more points than your quota. The person or team with the most points over their quota at the end of the round wins the pot.

Format: Individual Number of Players: 2, 3, or 4
This is a side-bet that is a great way to annoy your fellow group members and add a bit of spice to putting. In Thirty-Two, you challenge one golfer to avoid a three-putt. For example, one player is faced with a ridiculously long putt, or they just suck at putting. You implore the thirty-two side bet to them. If the player three-putts (or worse), they owe you two units of the bet. If they two-putt (or better), you owe them three units of the bet. (If the bet is $1, for example, and he/she three-putts, he/she owes you $2; if he/she two-putts, you owe $3).